Alto's adventure ios
Alto's adventure ios

Incorporating a calming nature into the gameplay, meant there was room to push boundaries elsewhere - specifically with Alto. “I think we really were thinking about what to put on the cutting room floor and what to advance to the next stage in terms of mechanics … we always had that player appreciation in the back of our minds around like, ‘Is this going to make the game more stressful?'” “We are constantly surprised and humbled by the fact that players will depict fan art of our characters or send in letters that Alto maybe helped them cope with some stress or some illness, and that’s something we never really could ever have foreseen when making that first game,” Eli Cymet, producer at Built By Snowman, told Digital Trends. With its parabolic curves and propulsive downhill motion, the game allows you to build up speed, gain points, and crush obstacles in a way that doesn’t feel like you’re doing too much at once. Team Alto ultimately wanted to build on what became the central part of the DNA Alto - which gave an extreme sport like snowboarding a more relaxing flow through its design and controls. The ability to play comfortably one-handed was an important aspect of the game to adopt from its predecessor - making it more approachable and less complex for all types of players. It was decided that mechanically, the game wouldn’t involve having to adjust to new control schemes. With Alto’s Odyssey, lead artist and developer Harry Nesbitt and the team at Snowman - who refer to the collaboration as “Team Alto” - wanted to appeal to its existing fans as well as those who have yet to play the game. It also includes stunning visuals that act as a calming force within a fast-paced game.


The player taps on the screen to navigate Alto through various elements while also completing goals and collecting rewards. For those unfamiliar with the mobile game, Alto’s Adventure mirrors the atmosphere of snowboarding.

Alto's adventure ios